Experience 2023 - Results

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Experience Demoshow & Competition 2023 

Demo competition results:

Combined Demo

place	title					group			audience* 	

1	Under					▄mlaⁿt Design          	72
2	Balkans Christmas			Netro                   66
3	Countach				derangedlines           56
4	Compofiller 00000001			TGD                     60
5	the good, the bad and the demojoe	Tifeco & Teo		66
6	neON					Lunaticats		49
7	Introduction				Pukika05                44
8	Radiosity				musk                    47
9	Sketches				Kaszi75                 48
10	Demosceners on the beach at night	iONic                   41
11	Boldog Karacsonyt!			TomCat/Abaddon          59
12	bouncircles				MKCKoner                36

*the final result came from audience and jury votes together