The Gathering 2002 - Results

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   Vote count - The Gathering 2002

Tracked music

   Place Points       Title                Credit
   1     473    The Dark Side     System Talayot
   2     396    funhouse playboys mike x & zauron / excess
   3     304    Cosmic Energy     unier / moondreamers
   4     285    Springtime        Athr0x of TbP
   5     257    ready to tumble   lug00ber^kvasigen

4k intro

   Place Points     Title            Credit
   1     927    E C H T        Push Entertainment
   2     497    Spasmania      Spaceballs
   3     438    Coma           Ephidrena
   4     286    Psycotic Robot Squirrelz
   5     278    remediation    Bypass & Cellfish

Fast intro

   Place Points          Title              Credit
   1     835    kvasigen vs order00d     kvasigen
   2     520    Hjemsøkt sokk            Moondreamers
   3     332    Optic - FastIntro        Optic
   4     316    Orderud Is Gone To Sleep Yaphan
   5     301    Extremely fast fastintro knus & Daxxar

Rendered Graphics

   Place Points      Title        Credit
   1     744    Denis Alekseev  Homeless
   2     521    The Old Station Mr. Sanders
   3     397    Canyon          Zilo
   4     386    Rockin Igor     Beldor
   5     305    Angel of War    Huyderman

Pixeled Graphics

   Place Points      Title                 Credit
   1     684    Dreamworld       TMK / inf
   2     636    Egyptian Star    Neuromancer/Skulls&Appendix
   3     207    manga necklace   krav & gohan / inf
   4     202    Blue Heaven      wynlen
   5     179    Mean looking guy Snarling

Alternative Platform Demo

   Place Points           Title                    Credit
   1     518    Curto Servico De Mensagem contraz vs excess
   2     517    Tralala Vrooom            Nocturnal
   3     316    Flashback                 Nocturnal
   4     289    Array                     DraftingZup & Zyberpunx
   5     253    digitalAngels             PolBear of digitalAngels

64K Intro

   Place Points        Title                    Credit
   1     611    Masse Lego           Nocturnal
   2     391    Receipe              Granma
   3     369    Understand           Spaceballs
   4     359    Terror               Zionic, Uncle Blimp & Xerxes
   5     327    The Lost Inspiration knus of digitalAngels

Fast Music

   Place Points                Title                  Credit
   1     200    Få støffet mitt tilbake, for helvete OptimizE
   2     163    Silent Winds                         Edzes
   3     157    Stokke                               BeH
   4     139    The Wizzards Shadow                  Dj Jonny
   5     132    Trap_me _kill_me                     Xerxes

High Quality Music

   Place Points              Title                       Credit
   1     625    These Walls                     lug00ber^kvasigen & Liz T
   2     557    You didn't protect me from this OptimizE
   3     427    Katt                            Kaktuskaffe
   4     385    I see you                       flipside ft. grbz
   5     371    død over norske nerder          FiliJokkus


   Place Points      Title               Credit
   1     1038   Disco Fever     Mr. S & Mr. B
   2     587    Termona         Tom Idland
   3     503    Beautiful       Fredrik Arntzen
   4     286    LEGO-Strike     Ethereal Sword & Sapphire
   5     256    Über Deathmatch Godin&Zenthar

Amiga Demo

   Place Points       Title          Credit
   1     881    Scrimm            Spaceballs
   2     716    Snop              Contraz
   3     702    Jenna loves Eph   Ephidrena
   4     177    Destination 13.89 Furryboys AS
   5     77     Still Rabbin' It  Squirrelz

PC Demo

   Place Points      Title             Credit
   1     1250   thermo plastique INF
   2     1000   IV - Racer       TLS
   3     843    Tatsu            Fairlight
   4     305    QED              Principle Component
   5     268    Neurosis         Progress

   Official computing by Zepo::NG

   This system is available for ticket sales for all parties, please

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