Shadow Party 2024 - Results
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28-30 June 2024 at Givry En Argonne
1. #01 99 pts Odyssey - Stailer
2. #03 90 pts Road 666 - 3D63
3. #04 88 pts Ingame S.W. - Masami Komuro
4. #02 55 pts 187 - Judas Corpseboy
1. #04 97 pts Infernum - pouale
2. #02 94 pts We could have so much fun together - L-Sync
3. #03 85 pts Orikalkum - 3D63
4. #01 71 pts AphroBleep has mararebooted you - glafouk
1. #05 95 pts Buzz Off - FRaNKy
2. #07 91 pts Penrose Like Architecture - totetmatt
3. #11 87 pts 26k - cicile & Goodchip
4. #09 86 pts Parallel Universe - pouale
5. #04 84 pts Alpine Flower Power - Logiker
6. #02 82 pts Danbo_terminal - Gnu
7. #12 81 pts Front 242 live at Metronum - b*.* / silicium
8. #10 77 pts Painting in the Sky - Logiker/VCC
9. #01 71 pts Deep Learning - pepe
10. #03 70 pts Mini Mothra - 3D63
11. #08 60 pts Smile! - Exocet
1. #05 96 pts United Sceners - pepe
2. #04 86 pts Chiptune DJ! - Luzia & 3D63
3. #03 83 pts Flush - Callisto
4. #01 70 pts pikachu and the pouale sticker - pouale
5. #02 58 pts VCC Sticker - Logiker/VCC
1. #01 102 pts The Stolen Roots - pepe
2. #03 98 pts Street Cred Canard - Exocet
3. #02 68 pts Vous sachez... - Glafouk
1. #03 83 pts Boing land - Voxel / Saturne
2. #02 82 pts Créatures mystiques - µtine
3. #01 72 pts The Best Beast - yogib33r
1. #03 114 pts Rainbow Girl Portrait - pepe
2. #02 104 pts Staying Alive so bring gifts now -
3. #01 92 pts GX4000 - Logiker
1. #01 81 pts Do Party - pepe
2. #02 74 pts Hello World - g33kou
1. #02 78 pts From shadow to light - flush
2. #01 69 pts Danbos After BBQ - DrSnuggles
3. #03 68 pts Barbeuk - Bjorn
4. #04 63 pts Vene - Jumalauta
1. #03 102 pts Bee At Shadow Party - slipstream
2. #02 97 pts De simples formes geometriques peuvent elles
casser des briques - totetmatt
3. #01 92 pts OP - Ordinateur Personnel - DrSnuggles
31 votes were cast by 38 registered voters.
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