Edit history for BOOM! Party 2025

2024-09-06 10:14:32 Brittle Set website to https://boom-party.c64.fun/
2024-07-16 12:00:14 Brittle Set website to http://boom-party.c64.fun/
2024-07-16 11:59:35 Brittle Added Steffan as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-07-16 11:59:28 Brittle Added Sachy as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-07-16 11:58:50 Brittle Added Johny as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-07-16 11:58:42 Brittle Added Hairdog as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-07-16 11:58:31 Brittle Added CatYa as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-07-16 11:58:20 Brittle Added BroneCk as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-05-26 20:32:53 Brittle Added BOOM! as organiser of BOOM! Party 2025
2024-05-26 20:32:42 Brittle Set invitations to BOOM! Party Invitation 2025
2024-05-26 20:32:31 Brittle Added link https://csdb.dk/event/?id=3416
2024-05-26 20:31:17 Brittle Added party 'BOOM! Party 2025'