Juhla 1997 - Results

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Juhla IVb - official results

Intro competition

   1.   (244 points)  (6)  Lithium by Vista
   2.   (241 points)  (8)  Our planet of cheese by tpolm
   3.   (198 points)  (1)  Kuppa by Extend
   4.   (159 points)  (7)  Yawn by Deck Blasters
   5.   (135 points)  (3)  Pakoputki by Moottori
   6.   (120 points)  (12) Mönkijä by Hirmu
   7.   (119 points)  (5)  Ikuisuus by pWp
   8.   (102 points)  (2)  Pure luu by Wookiet & Kuoro!
   9.   ( 92 points)  (9)  Rradiomasto a by Fake
  10.   ( 76 points)  (4)  The Raahe Police Force by Planckin vakio
  11.   ( 74 points)  (13) Helios by Gender8
  12.   ( 62 points)  (11) OO_intro by Orgasmin Orjat
  13.   ( 10 points)  (10) Exotic men vs. cops by Ripper Prods and EM

Demo competition

   1.   (283 points)  (13) Parhaat by Coma
   2.   (199 points)  (8)  Saamelaisnuoret by ISO
   3.   (175 points)  (3)  Time Zone +13:00 by Eufrosyne
   4.   (151 points)  (4)  Luna
   5.   (124 points)  (9)  Kissa by Deck Blasters
   6.   (108 points)  (2)  Guarana by DCS
   7.   (107 points)  (1)  Chakras by Wunderbaum
   8.   (100 points)  (10) Akun aamupano by Pornovalo
   9.   ( 84 points)  (11) Melvindale by MFX
  10.   ( 79 points)  (12) Maa by Flo
  11.   ( 70 points)  (5)  Smokey by Static
  12.   ( 45 points)  (6)  Pilkomme Juustoa by tArzAn tuotanto
  13.   ( 31 points)  (7)  Simon Templar

Graphics competition

   1.   (298 points)  (1)  Depression by Damaq/DSD
   2.   (182 points)  (4)  Ronsu by Duke / Paragon & Eufrosyne
   3.   (174 points)  (2)  Space - The Final Frontier by Cre8/Big Boom
   4.   (138 points)  (3)  Energy by Illusion
   5.   (134 points)  (5)  Revelation by Rommel / Revelation
   6.   (131 points)  (6)  Bee-Flie by KukkaRuukku/BIOLAN!

Music competition

   1.   (232 points)  (5)  Our Planet the Voice by Croaker / Halcyon
   2.   (216 points)  (4)  Another with Sauce by Feather / Tpolm
   3.   (200 points)  (10) Nananaansn by Swallow / DSD
   4.   (126 points)  (8)  Whirl by Illusion
   5.   (124 points)  (15) Skun by Carebear
   6.   ( 90 points)  (9)  Aratik by Zenes / Gasp Inc
   7.   ( 88 points)  (2)  NucPlasm by Sir Nick / DeckBlasters
   8.   ( 80 points)  (11) Integrit by Sojogga
   9.   ( 76 points)  (6)  Timjami bra br br by Kaura/Konfusion
  10.   ( 71 points)  (13) De rerum Natura by Loke/Black Cascade
  11.   ( 66 points)  (1)  Defeat by Pagan / Fata Morgana
  12.   ( 58 points)  (16) Rock in My veins by Jangler/Vista
  13.   ( 51 points)  (12) Life on Lower St by Duke/Paragon & Eufrosyne
  14.   ( 45 points)  (7)  Song 2 By Venom / ???
  15.   ( 44 points)  (14) Knuf_ad by Deetsay / DCS
  16.   ( 38 points)  (3)  Irto by Crazer / Kuoro

Wild! competition

   1.   (327 points)  (2)  Onni Poro
   2.   (315 points)  (3)  Virnen Video
   3.   (238 points)  (4)  (B)-files
   4.   (227 points)  (1)  Hirmu

Voters : 131

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