ArtWay 2007 - Results

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Artway 2007
Results taken from

ASCII (theme "summer")
1. Summer Soles	- DiamonDie     [13]
2. I Love Summer- Jack / ArtWaY [11]
3. Pegasos 2    - MarK / TBS    [7]
4. Fast as hell	- KoWoDo        [6]
4. Sun Cream    - Wayne / ArtWaY[6]

Photo compo (theme "colours of nature")
1. The Way           - MarK / TBS       [13]
2. Sun Down          - Noro / ATomiC    [11]
3. zatmenie slnka    - Roberta          [8]
4. kytka             - Falcon / AmiGanS [7]
5. Lady and a flower - DiamonDie        [6]
6. Kvety             - BLAyEn / AmiGanS [5]
7. pampeliska pes    - JeLlo            [3]
Total number of entries was 15 others were disq. coz of multiple entries or out of theme rule.

GFX compo (combined)
1. Last copyright - Jack / ArtWaY    [14]
2. experiment     - Spooky.ln        [8]
3. Direct Hit     - BLAyEn / AmiGanS [7]

Music compo (combined)
n/a nulka kremulka - traymuss / Addict^Futuris [+++++]
n/a house mix      - anonym duo                [++---]
Compo cancelled due to low amount of entries :(
Jury rating

Code compo (combined)
1. Phonkey (final) - ArtWaY [17]
2. game demo       - TBS    [14]