Edit history for Volcanic 1996

2024-09-21 13:34:12 psenough Added competition Fast Code
2018-01-28 10:08:24 Asle Set start date to 1 March 1996, end date to 4 March 1996, location to Pont-du-Château
2017-08-13 09:59:43 ltk_tscc Set start date to 1 March 1996, end date to 4 March 1996, tagline to 'Volcanic 2'
2016-07-16 13:26:17 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://fujiology.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/PARTIES/1996/VOLCANC2/
2016-04-09 14:57:26 ltk_tscc Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/party.php?id=542
2015-08-16 14:49:58 strider Set invitations to Volcanic Party 2 invitation, Volcanic Party 2 registration sheet
2015-08-16 14:48:33 strider Set invitations to Volcanic Party 2 invitation
2013-09-11 13:59:49 ltk_tscc Added link http://strider.untergrund.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=42
2013-04-21 18:17:06 ltk_tscc Added competition None