Trip 1999 - Results

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                              TRIP'99 Results

 Charts for COMPOSITA LIVE will be published after the online people voted
                                (one week)

                                PC DEMO
      01. XTA                             (JapoTek)               187
      02. Wait For Raytrace               (Friol the Oil)          90
      03. WC                              Ritual                   62
      04. Flux                            Twilight                 59
      05. 60 fault                        aesthetica               23

                               Amiga Demo
      01. Away                            (Genesis)               157
      02. Lara                            (Risiko plus)           145

                             Amiga 64kb intro
      01. Trip suxx                       (Darkage+Nayma+         ???

                              Amiga 4kb intro
      01. Booze now                       (Darkage)               ???

                              PC DEMO 3DHW
      01. Toys                            (Gods)                  213
      02. The Eternal Game                (JapoTek)               156

                              PC 64K Intro
      01. Taint                           (Spinning Kids)         122
      02. Clean                           (Poison + Guest Scoopex) 89
      03. Overtone                        (Suburban Creations)     78
      04. Friol Legendary Warrior         (Friol the Oil)          66
      05. 0 Design                        (Apocalypse Design)      28

                              PC 4K Intro
      01. Colors!                         (DrK)                   600
      02. CarIntro                        (???)                   ---

                               Java Demo
      01. Smoke                           (Ram Jam)               140
      02. Randy Trip                      (Randy)                  27

                               Fast Demo
      01. An Alien Lunch                  (JapoTek)               147
      02. Pippo                           (Spinning Kids)         123
      03. LifeShock                       (KiC)                    79

                           Multichannel Music
      01. Zei ar bec                      (Dustbin)                59
      02. The fastest lane                (Dixan)                  50
      03. Sunny girl                      (Yello)                  40
      04. Broken dimension                (DiPA)                   38
      05. Looking at the ocean            (eZ)                     22
      06. Da passion                      (Poison)                 21
      07. Medieval                        (Ciccilleju)             20
      08. Song for a kiss                 (It-Alien)               18
      08. Sister of nonsense              (Teo)                    18
      10. Life                            (Lift)                   17
      11. Fast storm                      (Spillo)                 15
      11. Natural instinct                (Wizard)                 15
      13. The unknown world               (GDJ)                    14
      14. Tranquillamente degenero        (Gec-Co)                 13
      15. Chervdek                        (Corrosion)               8
      15. Ants on the concrete            (Pedr0)                   8
      17. Memories of Sandra              (CyBrPnK)                 6

      01. Psycopatological dilator        (Wizard)                 67
      02. Voices from the wood            (Nabo)                   61
      03. Underworld story                (DiPA)                   49
      04. Your dog                        (Pedr0)                  43
      05. Not alone                       (Lift)                   43
      06. The choice                      (It-Alien)               41
      07. Deep vibrations                 (Ciccilleju)             36
      08. El toro, la fiesta… el mehiko   (Guy)                    34

                            4 Channels Music
      01. Blah                            (Surfing)                99
      02. 6581+1 != 6582                  (Dustbin)                60
      03. New York Subway Quartet         (It-Alien)               43
      04. Dipping                         (Corrosion)
      05. Cocktail                        (Ciccilleju)
      06. Robespierre contro i 40 ladroni (Gec-Co)
      07. Wasted Remains of Human Flesh   (Wizard)

      01. Who am I?                       (Synthetic Brush)        70
      02. The next god                    (Not)                    58
      03. Frogslapper                     (z3k)                    50
      04. Shaman                          (Hellbender)             49
      05. Sculpturing                     (QT)                     45
      06. Dragon                          (Colonel)                36
      07. Trip man                        (Cut'n'Paste)            35
      08. L'ultima colazione              (Base8)                  34
      09. Crash                           (Junta)                  20
      10. Working table                   (Crazy)                  18
      11. Pic                             (Stile9)                 16
      12. Underwater war                  (Kenpex)                 13
      13. Leaf                            (Blaze One)               6

                                Fast Gfx
      01. Rulez                           (Rio)                   123
      02. Clown                           (Hellbender)             87
      03. patch_asa                       (Synthetic Brush)        56
      04. Fearless                        (pix)                    52
      05. Child's fear                    (Negrin)                 50
      06. Killing Krusty                  (Doc + Wizard)           40
      07. Clown                           (Base8)                  25

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