Edit history for Silly Venture 2000

2021-08-09 21:59:40 ltk_tscc Added Grey as organiser of Silly Venture 2000
2016-07-16 15:45:40 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://fujiology.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/PARTIES/2000/SV2K/
2016-01-21 20:19:48 menace Set location to Gdansk
2014-04-05 04:13:21 menace Edited notes
2014-04-02 09:14:03 menace Edited notes
2014-04-01 20:02:46 menace Set tagline to 'Silesian Venture'
2013-11-08 10:01:04 ltk_tscc Edited notes
2013-11-04 09:59:33 ltk_tscc Set website to http://www.sillyventure.eu/
2013-04-20 19:07:10 ltk_tscc Added competition Truecolor graphics
2013-03-21 09:01:38 ltk_tscc Added competition Atari 8-bit Pokey MSX
2013-03-21 08:58:22 ltk_tscc Added competition Wild
2013-03-21 08:55:12 ltk_tscc Added competition ASCII-Art
2013-03-21 08:52:31 ltk_tscc Added competition Multichannel msx
2013-03-21 08:49:07 ltk_tscc Added competition 4chn msx
2013-03-21 08:44:20 ltk_tscc Added competition Atari ST/STE YM2149 Music
2013-03-21 08:03:23 ltk_tscc Added competition Atari ST 16 col
2013-03-21 08:00:50 ltk_tscc Added competition Atari 4k-tro
2013-03-21 07:59:49 ltk_tscc Added competition ST Demo
2013-03-21 07:56:37 ltk_tscc Added competition Falcon demo
2013-03-21 07:52:27 ltk_tscc Set invitations to Sillyventure invitro, Silly Venture st invitro, Silly Venture xl invitro
2013-03-21 07:50:07 ltk_tscc Set invitations to Sillyventure invitro
2013-02-03 15:30:16 menace Set name to 'Silly Venture 2000'