BBC Micro

Emulators available for this platform include;

BeebEm for Windows, with ports available for OS X, UNIX/Linux, Playstation Portable, PocketPC and OpenPandora.
B-Em for Windows and Linux. Last version from 2012.
JSBeep for JavaScript-enabled web browsers.

Recent releases:

TôBach / Furry Trash Group ^ Poo-Brain ^ Rift ^ Slipstream ^ The Unstoppable Hacker Bunch Jun 2024
la1n Feb 2024
P_Malin / Bitshifters Feb 2024
tom_seddon Feb 2024
tom_seddon Feb 2024
tom_seddon Feb 2024
tom_seddon Feb 2024
Diminished Dec 2023
David Payne Dec 2023
GAS Dec 2023
Diminished Dec 2023
BeebMaster Dec 2023
iamsi Dec 2023
regregex Dec 2023
Katutech / Retrowiki Dec 2023
Dominic Beesley Dec 2023
dp11 Dec 2023
Flaxcottage Dec 2023
dp11 Dec 2023
regregex Dec 2023
SteveF Dec 2023
David Payne Dec 2023
Jonno Dec 2023
Julie M Dec 2023
Agustín Morales Dec 2023
Jonathan Harston Dec 2023
Jonathan Harston Dec 2023
Slipstream Dec 2023
tom_seddon / Bitshifters Jun 2023
TôBach / Rift ^ Slipstream ^ The Unstoppable Hacker Bunch Jun 2023