Edit history for East Party 2002 Invitation by Sente Software Group

2021-05-29 12:08:31 ltk_tscc Added 4 screenshots
2021-03-20 12:28:08 Johny856 Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSqQpu4p3hA
2015-08-16 14:58:11 ltk_tscc Added link http://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=5431
2014-12-16 14:24:05 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for East Party 2002 Invitation
2014-12-16 14:22:45 ltk_tscc Added credit for Yezus on East Party 2002 Invitation: Music
2014-06-13 15:22:43 ltk_tscc Set release date to 2002, type to Invitation, platform to Atari 8 bit
2014-06-13 15:22:30 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/!8BIT/SSG/EAST2002.ZIP