Edit history for Intro Compil 1 by Mug U.K

2025-01-13 15:39:58 ltk_tscc Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=103043
2014-10-07 19:33:54 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for Intro Compil 1
2014-10-07 18:18:41 ltk_tscc Added credit for Mad Max on Intro Compil 1: Music
2014-10-07 17:33:31 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Intro Compil 1
2014-10-07 17:32:56 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Intro Compil 1
2014-10-07 17:29:06 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Intro Compil 1
2014-10-07 17:23:43 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Intro Compil 1
2014-10-07 17:22:51 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Intro Compil 1
2014-10-07 17:17:59 ltk_tscc Added credit for Mug U.K on Intro Compil 1: Other (Compilation, Packing), Text
2014-10-07 17:17:43 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/M/MUG_UK/MUGINTRO.ZIP
2014-10-07 17:17:29 ltk_tscc Removed tag 'lost'
2014-09-01 19:17:07 ltk_tscc Added credit for The Lost Boys on Intro Compil 1: Other (Intro)
2014-09-01 19:16:28 ltk_tscc Edited notes
2014-09-01 19:15:22 ltk_tscc Added tag 'lost'
2014-09-01 19:15:18 ltk_tscc Edited notes
2014-09-01 19:14:59 ltk_tscc Added screenshot
2014-09-01 19:14:50 ltk_tscc Set release date to 20 September 1988, type to Pack, platform to Atari ST/E