Edit history for Delta Force Copy Party Demo-Screen by The Replicants

2020-11-13 21:37:29 ltk_tscc Set release date to 1990
2020-11-13 21:37:24 ltk_tscc Added credit for Cobra on Delta Force Copy Party Demo-Screen: Graphics
2020-11-13 19:10:04 ltk_tscc Added credit for Fury on Delta Force Copy Party Demo-Screen: Code
2014-12-07 12:11:43 applecrypt Added link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYWs_CthvG0
2014-12-04 19:46:01 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/R/REPS/REP_DFCP.ZIP
2014-10-08 09:56:21 ltk_tscc Added 2 screenshots
2014-10-08 09:56:05 ltk_tscc Set type to Intro, platform to Atari ST/E