Edit history for Songs of the World by Ralf-Thomas Quack

2015-09-19 20:27:32 ltk_tscc Added link http://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=3670
2015-07-23 11:52:34 ltk_tscc Added link ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/ltk_tscc/fujiology/!8BIT/QUACK/SONGSOTW.ZIP
2014-11-25 09:00:28 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for Songs of the World
2014-11-25 08:42:21 ltk_tscc Added credit for Ralf-Thomas Quack on Songs of the World: Code, Graphics, Music
2014-11-25 08:42:10 ltk_tscc Added 2 screenshots
2014-11-18 15:39:19 ltk_tscc Added production 'Songs of the World'