Edit history for Distortions by Batman Group and The Newton Company

2025-03-02 21:52:59 psenough Updated Rauling's credit on Distortions: Code
2025-03-02 21:52:48 psenough Deleted Rauling's credit on Distortions
2025-03-02 16:25:27 psenough Added credit for Rauling on Distortions: Code
2024-07-04 10:42:19 winden Added credit for Leunam on Distortions: Graphics
2023-10-10 23:31:22 xeleh Updated DJ Uno's credit on Distortions: Music
2022-10-21 15:02:52 sensenstahl Added links: https://files.scene.org/view/demos/groups/batman_group/tnc-bg-distortions-src.lha, https://files.scene.org/view/demos/groups/batman_group/tnc-bg-distortions.lha
2020-09-27 06:38:50 menace Added credit for Kung Fuck on Distortions: Graphics
2020-09-27 05:12:38 menace Updated competition placing info for Distortions in Posadas 1995 Amiga Intro competition
2020-09-26 10:30:24 menace Edited notes
2020-09-26 10:17:55 menace Updated Wind's credit on Distortions: Code
2020-05-24 07:08:37 menace Set author to 'Batman Group + The newton Company'
2019-11-27 17:31:58 BATMAN_BG Added credit for Mac on Distortions: Graphics
2019-11-27 17:31:37 BATMAN_BG Added credit for Nork on Distortions: Music
2019-11-27 17:31:01 BATMAN_BG Added credit for Wind on Distortions: Code
2019-11-27 17:31:01 BATMAN_BG Added credit for Wind on Distortions: Code
2015-07-24 09:43:21 ltk_tscc Added links: ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/windenntw/prods_tnc/TNC-BG-Distortions.lha, ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/windenntw/prods_tnc/TNC-BG-Distortions-src.lha
2015-07-24 09:43:03 ltk_tscc Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=19927
2015-07-24 09:42:08 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for Distortions in Posadas 1995 Amiga Intro competition
2015-07-24 09:41:39 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for Distortions in Posadas 1995 Amiga Intro competition
2015-07-24 09:41:31 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for Distortions in Posadas 1995 Amiga Intro competition
2015-07-24 09:40:45 ltk_tscc Added competition placing for Distortions in Posadas 1995 Amiga Intro competition