Gemplay V1.99

by YesCREW


Last edited on 31 Jan 2019 by ltk_tscc. See all edits


Swe - 20:20 26 September 2015 #

This is beta version of GemPLAY 2.00:

- mp2 replay route
- fixed Kiosk and Intro modes for SNDH files
- database save full paths and will allow playlists

Mp2 replay doesnt restore matrix properly. After finished with mp2 tunes, there will be no sound if
playing other formats. You can fix that with SoundPass CPX module or Iphigeny app, which i included in
archive... Oddly, u need to do that only once, after that playing other formats work okay...


dipswitch - 23:56 28 September 2015 #

could you add a date for this release?

dipswitch - 12:22 4 October 2015 #


Swe - 07:28 19 January 2016 #

Hey dip, sorry for late reply: cant really set date, had really little free time...

Swe - 22:57 11 February 2016 #

GemPLAY progress update:

- fixed some redraw glitches
- improved mp2 replay

Swe - 09:01 27 February 2016 #

A bit late: cracked mp2 sound matrix mess! Now it does return properly! :)