Edit history for Helsingfors by Aleksi Eeben

2025-01-23 23:51:13 psenough Removed tag '512b'
2025-01-23 23:50:15 psenough Set types to Game, 512b Intro
2020-02-02 13:34:37 tomaes Added tag 'racing-game'
2019-03-22 06:47:30 menace Added link https://files.scene.org/view/demos/compos/minigame01/minigames_2001.zip
2018-08-12 22:20:41 menace Set author to 'Aleksi Eeben', release date to 9 November 2001
2018-08-12 22:20:31 menace Updated competition placing info for Helsingfors in MiniGame 2001 512b Game competition
2018-08-12 22:20:27 menace Added competition placing for Helsingfors in MiniGame 2001 512b Game competition
2018-03-31 21:38:15 menace Added tag 'source-available'
2018-03-31 21:38:12 menace Removed tag 'open-source'
2016-10-24 09:54:56 tomaes Added tag 'open-source'
2016-10-24 09:43:01 tomaes Edited notes
2016-10-24 09:36:52 tomaes Added tag '512b'
2016-10-24 09:36:37 tomaes Added tag 'minimal'
2016-10-24 09:36:25 tomaes Added screenshot
2016-10-24 09:36:07 tomaes Added links: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68367, http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=7955
2016-10-24 09:35:48 tomaes Added production 'Helsingfors'