Edit history for undetailed aesthetics over the similarities between common sea and river water fishery and low frequency musical intruments megademo 7005 by Accession only! and TMI

2025-01-23 17:21:00 psenough Added credit for Jeenio on undetailed aesthetics over the similarities between common sea and river water fishery and low frequency musical intruments megademo 7005: Other (Concept, Design)
2019-01-08 04:39:16 menace Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2005/bgparty05/wild/wild-tmi-03.avi
2019-01-08 04:30:51 menace Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJNBDtmvfRs
2019-01-08 04:30:40 menace Added link ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/windenntw/prods_bgparty05/wild-TMI-03.AVI
2019-01-08 04:30:29 menace Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=20670
2019-01-08 04:30:21 menace Set title to 'undetailed aesthetics over the similarities between common sea and river water fishery and low frequency musical intruments megademo 7005', author to 'Accession only! + TMI', release date to 17 December 2005
2019-01-08 04:29:40 menace Updated competition placing info for undetailed aesthetics over the similarities in BGParty 2005 Wild competition
2019-01-08 04:29:37 menace Updated competition placing info for undetailed aesthetics over the similarities in BGParty 2005 Wild competition
2019-01-08 04:28:26 menace Added competition placing for undetailed aesthetics over the similarities in BGParty 2005 Wild competition