Edit history for Twisted Existence by Corruption

2021-01-14 16:28:58 phoenix Updated MusicMan's credit on Twisted Existence: Music
2019-04-02 13:19:32 exocet Added screenshot
2019-04-01 14:07:22 exocet Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=70663
2019-04-01 14:06:49 exocet Added tag '386'
2019-04-01 14:06:07 exocet Added credit for GooRoo on Twisted Existence: Graphics (title)
2019-04-01 14:05:26 exocet Added credit for Falcon on Twisted Existence: Music
2019-04-01 14:01:04 exocet Added credit for Prince of Darkness on Twisted Existence: Graphics
2019-04-01 14:00:54 exocet Added credit for Bean Dip on Twisted Existence: Graphics
2019-04-01 14:00:31 exocet Added credit for Music Man on Twisted Existence: Music
2019-04-01 13:57:10 exocet Added credit for Sinister on Twisted Existence: Code, Graphics (ANSI)
2019-04-01 13:51:57 exocet Added 11 screenshots
2019-04-01 13:50:00 exocet Added link https://files.scene.org/view/mirrors/hornet/demos/1994/t/te_dmo.zip; Deleted link https://hornet.org/demos/1994/t/te_dmo.zip
2019-04-01 13:49:03 exocet Set author to 'Corruption', release date to December 1994
2019-04-01 13:48:51 exocet Added production 'Twisted Existence'