Edit history for Santa Goes Nuts by Meka Design

2025-01-31 16:16:25 Olympian Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aybZZdrFr5U
2019-06-16 20:21:13 menace Set author to 'Meka Design', release date to 30 December 1994, platform to Amiga OCS/ECS
2019-06-16 20:20:57 menace Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/release.php?id=4937
2019-06-16 20:20:53 menace Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1994/theparty94/amiga/in40/meka-san.lha
2019-06-16 20:20:38 menace Updated competition placing info for Santa Goes Nuts in The Party 1994 Amiga 40K Intro competition
2019-06-16 20:20:35 menace Added competition placing for Santa Goes Nuts in The Party 1994 Amiga 40K Intro competition