Edit history for You Cannot Run Away by Damage

2023-07-06 06:49:36 menace Deleted link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9EKk8i8R5o
2023-07-06 06:49:12 menace Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9EKk8i8R5o
2017-05-27 15:08:36 tomaes Added tag 'directx-8'
2017-05-27 15:08:30 tomaes Added tag 'bass'
2014-01-21 22:20:00 cherri_kandler Set author to 'Damage'
2014-01-11 11:21:22 tomaes Removed tag 'DirectX 8'
2014-01-11 11:21:17 tomaes Added tag 'scene poetry'
2014-01-11 11:19:51 tomaes Added 14 screenshots
2012-06-20 08:45:45 menace Added credit for Ther (Code) on You Cannot Run Away
2012-06-20 08:44:59 menace Added credit for Ubik (Graphics (3d scenes)) on You Cannot Run Away
2012-06-20 08:44:44 menace Added credit for Inoujk (Graphics (3d scenes)) on You Cannot Run Away
2012-06-20 08:44:05 menace Added credit for Biotek (Music) on You Cannot Run Away
2012-06-20 08:43:58 menace Updated Baldis's credit on You Cannot Run Away: Set role to 'Music'
2012-06-20 08:43:33 menace Set author to 'Damage'
2012-06-20 08:42:47 menace Added credit for Baldis (Code) on You Cannot Run Away
2012-06-20 08:42:41 menace Added tag 'DirectX 8'
2012-06-20 08:40:20 menace Set title to 'You Cannot Run Away'
2012-06-20 08:40:08 menace Added download link http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/parties/2001/mekkasymposium01/demo/dmg_you-cannot-run-away.zip&fileinfo
2012-06-20 08:40:01 menace Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=1887