Edit history for Baygles from Heaven by Kosh and Leviathan and Pyromaniac and Trixter

2020-10-15 18:44:31 phoenix Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=72356
2020-10-15 17:05:51 phoenix Added competition placing for Baygles from Heaven in Resolution 1995 Fast Intro competition
2019-06-25 14:36:47 exocet Added 4 screenshots
2019-06-25 14:36:21 exocet Added link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1995/dual95/fastintro/bayglesh.zip
2019-06-25 14:36:19 exocet Removed tag 'lost'
2019-06-25 14:35:44 exocet Set title to 'Baygles from Heaven', author to 'Kosh + Leviathan + Pyromaniac + Trixter', release date to December 1995, platform to MS-Dos
2019-06-01 04:52:10 menace Set author to 'Kosh + Leviathan + Pyromaniac + Trixter', release date to December 1995
2016-08-20 20:04:24 ltk_tscc Added tag 'lost'
2015-06-25 14:29:30 menace Set author to 'Kosh + Leviathan + Pyromaniac + Trixter'