Edit history for Defund by Nom De Nom and axaxaxas / Trope

2022-06-28 18:26:30 superogue Added screenshot
2020-06-16 17:21:31 100bit Added info file
2020-06-16 17:21:04 100bit Set author to 'Nom De Nom + axaxaxas / trope'
2020-06-16 17:20:51 100bit Set type to 1K Intro, platform to Javascript
2020-06-14 20:11:21 Quarryman Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2020/atparty20/demo/defund.zip
2020-06-14 20:00:54 Quarryman Added competition placing for Defund in @Party 2020 Demo competition