Edit history for Pssst by Pyre

2020-07-13 07:42:10 menace Removed competition placing for Pssst in Juhla 1995 PC Demo competition
2020-07-13 07:39:34 menace Added competition placing for Pssst in Juhla 1995 PC Demo competition
2020-04-02 17:30:56 vitalkanev Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1995/juhla95-2/in64/pssst.zip
2017-06-25 04:57:01 sensenstahl Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=70446
2017-06-25 04:54:47 sensenstahl Added link ftp://untergrund.net/users/sensenstahl/others/pssst.zip
2017-06-25 04:52:25 sensenstahl Set author to 'Pyre', release date to 1 July 1995, type to 64K Intro
2017-06-25 04:52:18 sensenstahl Added 8 screenshots