Edit history for It's common courtesy to make compofillers short! by McBurrobit

2023-08-27 09:00:22 shinmai Added credit for shinmai on It's common courtesy to make compofillers short!: Code, Music
2023-08-20 10:41:29 shinmai Added screenshot
2023-08-20 10:30:00 shinmai Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxLo6uGKRXk
2023-08-20 10:28:53 shinmai Set platform to Windows
2023-08-06 18:22:22 100bit Updated competition placing info for It's common courtesy to make compofillers short! in Assembly Summer 2023 1k Intro competition
2023-08-06 18:22:18 100bit Updated competition placing info for It's common courtesy to make compofillers short! in Assembly Summer 2023 1k Intro competition
2023-08-06 17:54:04 menace Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2023/assembly_summer23/1k/its-common-courtesy-to-make-compofillers-short_by_mcburrobit.exe
2023-08-05 17:51:24 Brittle Updated competition placing info for It's common courtesy to make compofillers short! in Assembly Summer 2023 1k Intro competition
2023-08-05 17:51:17 Brittle Updated competition placing info for It's common courtesy to make compofillers short! in Assembly Summer 2023 1k Intro competition
2023-08-05 17:51:14 Brittle Added competition placing for It's common courtesy to make compofillers short! in Assembly Summer 2023 1k Intro competition