National Pirate List Sixth Edition

by National Pirate List Staff

Advert for *.*, 007's VIP Lounge, 2001 Odyssey, 68000, A.A.A. Club, ACC BBS, ANI Systems, Above the Law (305), Absolute Monarchy, Absolute Revolt, Ace's Place, Adventure's Guild, Agnostic Front, Air Academy, Al's Cabin, Alcatraz (217), Alpha Beta Society, Altered Plane, Alternate Universe, Anarchist's Realm, Anarchist's Underground, Anarchy Inter., Animal House (708), Anonymous Wonder, Antarctic Exchange, Arabian Knight BBS, Ariel System, Atlantis (408-475), Avenger's Island, BBS On A Bun, Bard's Lair, Beaker's Beacon, Becquerel, Beserker, Best of Both, Beta Cygnus, Beyond Reality (313), Bigfoot's BBS, Billion Boys Club, Black Box BBS, Blueberry MUFF, Body Bag, Boinger Board, Bopper Land, Boss BBS, Botnay Bay, Brewery (314), Burial Grounds (818), Byte Me, C.O.P.S. II, CIA, California Sands, Camelot, Canadian Tech., Candyland, Cassandra Complex, Castle To Andoria, Cemetery Gates (818), Centricom, Channel 708, Channel Z, Chaos (312), City Limits, Clandestine Corner, Club Tristan, Comic Strip ][, Convent, Corner Pocket, Country Morgue, Courier's Annex, Crack In Time, Critical Condition (615), Crys. Strike Force, Crystal Orbe, Custom Software, Dandy Line, Dark City of Fear, Dark Side (312-509), Dark Tangent, Dart Board, Dead Zone (214), Death Valley, Defender, Defiant Sceptor, Devil Island, Devil's Courier, Didactic Gallery, Digital Exchange Pirate Board Alliance, Digital Illusion, Digital Tension, Downriver Download, Dragon's Heaven, Dragon's Lair (312), Duck Board Elite, Dude Man Dude, Dungeon of Doom, E.L.I.T.E. BBS, E.T.'s Home, ESP Headquarters, Eastern Telecom, Edge of Insanity (617), Electric Eye II, Electric Ocean, Elm Street BBS, Enterprise, Eternal War, Ethereal Dimension, Euphoria (416), EuroAmerican Connection, F.B.I. BBS, Fantasy World, Far Side, Fatal Attraction, Fear & Loathing, Fer's Central, Ferarri BBS, Figment Of Imagination, Firebase Eagle, Fires of Hell, Focal Point, Forbidden City (818), Forgotten Dimension, Fox River Valley, Freakers Den, Front Line, Fun House, Fungus Land, GGS BBS, GLBBS, Gates of Dawn, Gateway, Gathering Gods, Genesis Division, Genesis I, Genesis II, Get Serious, Golf City, Gotham City (818), Graveyard (312), Great Cavern, Great Escape, Green Griffin Inn, Grey Haven, HMS Bounty, Hacker's Hideout, Hall of Illusions, Hall of Injustice, Hamburger Heavan, Heaven or Hell, Hecker, Hell Quarters, Hellfire, Inc., Highway To Hell (801), Holy IBM, House of Phreaks, House of Solitude, Ice Dimensions, Infinite Intoxication, Inner Sanctum (914), Inner Sanctum ]I[, Insane Asylum II, Insomnia (213), Instant Replay, Invisible Sun, Iron Fortress, Iron Sheath, Joe's Garage, Jolly Bardmens Pub, Just Another BBS, Killer Fajetas From Hell, Killer's Domain, Knavery, Knights of Round Table, Krypton, Lakeside Park, Land of Fa, Land of Warlord, Late Night Prowl, Lexicon of the Cabal, Life After Death, Light Speed (313), Lighthouse (713), Link To Perfection (908/201), Lion's Den (617), London At Midnight, Lost Legend, Lunatic Labs, Lunatic Phringe, Made In Taiwan, Matrix Tower, Mdinight BBS, Mentality Disrupt., Metallica Mines, Middle Earth (801), Midian (313), Midnight Oil BBS, Mission Compatible 2, Mission Compatible 3, Mission Compatible 5, Mission Compatible I, Moonbase Alpha, Mordor, Mortuary, Most Composers, Motherboard 2, Motherboard III, Mr. Bill's, Mt. Olympus (408), Multilink II, Mutiny II, Mystic Knights, New Silicon Guild, New World, Night Industries 1, Night Industries 2, Ninja's Place, Nite-Line, Nuclear Wasteland, O'hare Oasis, Oblivion, Ocean Atlantic, Optical Illusion (713), Overkill, PC Playhouse (313), Pacific Alliance, Pacific Brigade, Parallax, Park Place, Parthenon (314), Phantom's Domain, Pinball Place, Pirates Island, Planet Treason (713), Planet X (404), Plato's Place, Play Do Land II, Play Ground II, Playboy Mansion, Playdo Land I, Player's Guild, Plutocrazy, Plutonium Mines, Point Blank (813), Pool Hall, Prince of Darkness, Private Sector (619), Psychedelic Sanct., Pure Evil, Purple Dragon II, Radio KAOS, Radio Waves, Ram-Free, Rasputin's Dungeon, Realm, Realms of Fantasy, Red Flag (404), Redlight Inn, Revo Emag, Roach Motel (818), Runaway Train, Sanitarium (313), Saucerful/Secrets, Seitch Tabr, Sentry's Post, Shade-Tree, Shadow's Realm, Sherwood Forest (805), Shop, Silent Running, Ski Lodge, Sleepy Hollow, Slipped Disk, Smash Palace Mac, Snarf's Music Std., Society of Sin, Soft Board, Software Cellar, Software Warehouse, Softworks, Solsbury Hill ][, Somewarez, South East. Coil., Speakeasy, Sperical Planes, Spinward Marches, StairWay To Heaven, Stall BBS, Star Frontiers, Star Pirates II, Starhelm Greystaff, Starship Enterprise, Stealth, Stranger Eye, Sunbane Elite, Super Dimension, Support HQ (714), Surf Shop (301), Swashbucklers II, Swift's Revenge, TMOZ, Tammy Hall, Tardis (603), Taster's Choice, Temple ][, Temple of Doom (602), The 79th Trac, The Alternate Mindlink, The BELL Board, The Badlands (904), The Ballroom, The Bird's Nest, The Celestial Woodlands, The Chimeran Conspiracy, The Coffee Shop, The Computer Is Your Friend, The Cornerstone, The Duck Elite, The Eagles Nest (412), The Final Frontier (602), The First Sector, The Forbidden Passage, The Free World, The Future World, The Gallows (301), The Gamer's Galaxy, The General Electric, The High Command, The Hunting Grounds, The Insane Asylum (303), The Iron Curtain (301), The Iron Skull, The Jousting Fields, The Junkyard, The Kingdom (801), The Lost Souls, The Mage's Lair, The Magick Link, The Manor, The Metal AE, The Metal Edge (714), The Mindseye, The Motherboard I, The Mudd Club, The Neutral Zone, The New Republic (301), The Norse Wanderer, The Pentagon, The Phortress System I, The Pit (404), The Prism, The Pub & Tavern, The Pubb, The Realm (617), The Revelation, The Rockin' Ranch, The Round Table (713), The Running Board, The Saigon, The Skull, The Slave Den, The Stony Man's Farm, The Thieves Guild (206), The Tower of Light, The Trading Post (813), The Truck Stop, The Ult. Frontier, The Ultimate Empire, The Unknown Division, The Void (206), The Vortex (606), Theta-Sigma, Thieves Guild (416), Thrust, Time Tunnel (416), Time Warp (804), Time Zone (914), Tin Pan Alley, Tinseltown Rebellion, Torgazmic Systems, Treasure Island (703), Twin Peaks, Tye Dye Control Central, U.C.I., USS Enterprise (713), Ultimate Revolution, UnderWarez, Underground I, Unknown World (805), Unlimited Reality, Vahalla Islands, Vector One, Venus On A Half Shell, Vulgar Unicorn, Walden Pond, War Zone (312), Warez R Us, Warp Speed I, Warp Speed II, Wastelands (503), Weekend Warrior, West World, Wild West (312), Wild West (415), Wizards Workshop (607), Wolf's Surf Shop, Yellow Jacket, Zero Gravity (714)