Edit history for Transcend The Game by Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot

2024-08-06 17:28:59 100bit Added 28 screenshots
2024-08-06 17:24:39 100bit Added info file
2024-08-06 17:24:05 100bit Added link https://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/259422/pwp-transcend.prg
2024-08-06 17:23:43 100bit Deleted screenshot
2024-08-06 17:23:41 100bit Deleted screenshot
2024-08-06 17:23:38 100bit Deleted screenshot
2024-08-04 22:53:30 rtiainen Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HqOD1QUP3A
2024-08-04 22:24:17 rtiainen Added screenshot
2024-08-04 22:23:54 rtiainen Added screenshot
2024-08-04 22:23:34 rtiainen Added screenshot
2024-08-04 15:25:21 ltk_tscc Set title to 'Transcend The Game'
2024-08-04 13:08:24 vitalkanev Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2024/assembly_summer24/oldskool-demo/transcend-the-game_by_pwp.zip
2024-08-04 11:47:04 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcend the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-04 11:47:00 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcend the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-04 11:46:58 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcend the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-04 07:42:21 vitalkanev Added links: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=97441, https://csdb.dk/release/?id=244634
2024-08-03 14:31:37 vitalkanev Set title to 'Transcend the Game'
2024-08-03 14:31:10 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcent the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-03 14:29:15 Brittle Added credit for Viznut on Transcent the Game: Code, Graphics, Music
2024-08-03 14:28:52 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcent the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-03 14:28:50 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcent the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-03 14:28:46 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Transcent the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition
2024-08-03 14:28:30 vitalkanev Added competition placing for Transcent the Game in Assembly Summer 2024 Oldskool Demo competition