Edit history for Justification by Reflex

2024-12-13 19:29:59 Unlock Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:59:57 menace Updated Lizard's credit on Justification: Music, Text, Code
2024-09-07 04:59:40 menace Updated Lizard's credit on Justification: Music, Text
2024-09-07 04:54:13 menace Added credit for Wax on Justification: Code, Text
2024-09-07 04:52:13 menace Added credit for Play Power on Justification: Text
2024-09-07 04:50:36 menace Added credit for Laxity on Justification: Music
2024-09-07 04:50:24 menace Added credit for Brandis on Justification: Music
2024-09-07 04:50:18 menace Added credit for JCH on Justification: Music
2024-09-07 04:50:01 menace Added credit for SMC on Justification: Music
2024-09-07 04:49:10 menace Added info file
2024-09-07 04:47:55 menace Added credit for Lizard on Justification: Music
2024-09-07 04:47:28 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:47:03 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:45:59 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:44:24 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:44:01 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:40:25 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:37:57 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:36:05 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-07 04:32:40 menace Added 8 screenshots
2024-09-07 04:32:28 menace Added screenshot
2024-09-07 04:31:20 menace Added credit for Hayes on Justification: Music
2024-09-07 04:29:31 menace Edited soundtrack details for Justification
2024-09-06 06:58:29 menace Added link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/1989/gigaparty89/c64_demo/reflex-justification.zip
2024-09-06 06:57:10 menace Added link https://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/66215/Justification.zip
2024-09-06 06:56:56 menace Added link https://csdb.dk/release/?id=71561
2024-09-06 06:56:39 menace Updated competition placing info for Justification in It, Razor 1911, Abnormal, Hoaxers and Network Gigaparty 1989 C64 Demo competition
2024-09-06 06:56:27 menace Added competition placing for Justification in It, Razor 1911, Abnormal, Hoaxers and Network Gigaparty 1989 C64 Demo competition