Edit history for A Tribute to the Alberts by Projekt Carnival

2020-02-27 20:43:00 100bit Added tag 'tribute'
2018-03-31 21:00:22 menace Added tag 'source-available'
2018-03-31 21:00:17 menace Removed tag 'open-source'
2014-04-25 20:50:03 Saga_Musix Added tag 'open-source'
2014-01-10 22:57:49 tomaes Removed tag 'Software Rendering'
2014-01-10 22:57:47 tomaes Added tag 'software rendering'
2013-12-30 18:03:59 Saga_Musix Edited notes
2013-05-27 12:23:09 menace Set release date to 28 December 2009
2013-05-27 12:22:48 menace Updated competition placing info for A Tribute to the Alberts in The Ultimate Meeting 2009 High-End 64k Intro competition
2013-02-12 22:02:43 Saga_Musix Added tag 'FreeBASIC'
2013-02-12 22:02:39 Saga_Musix Added tag 'Software Rendering'
2012-08-24 11:51:44 Saga_Musix Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54231
2012-08-15 16:00:13 Saga_Musix Added screenshot
2012-08-15 15:59:58 Saga_Musix Added screenshot
2012-08-15 15:35:20 Saga_Musix Added credit for Saga Musix on A Tribute to the Alberts: Code, Music, Graphics
2012-08-15 15:35:02 Saga_Musix Added production 'A Tribute to the Alberts'