Hylst Dot Demo / GFA - Revisited

by Hylst


Last edited on 1 Oct 2021 by hylst. See all edits


hylst - 22:50 26 September 2021 #

Hylst Dot Demo for Japemo Revisited.
GFA only

hylst - 22:28 1 October 2021 #

H DoT Demo ( revisited )
An ATARI ST GFA demo coded by Hylst in 1996 (partly at Gigafun 96)
Arranged to be a little faster, with several bugs removed and compiled ~15 years after.
Low design, slow / heavy effects, far not enough polished / optimized, hasardous japanim old gfx, bugs, but a cool chiptune music.
Coded as a 'screen' for unfinished JAPEMO GFA Megademo.

Dots effects mainly :
1 4 planes dot solid flexiscroller, 4 spheres turning crossing, spiral dots flexiscrolltext, tunnels of dot with different movements, dot objects tuning & crossing, 4 flags at wind curving, circle dot flexiscrolltext, snow fx on mountain (thanks to Ognopi for great help), text zooming made of dots, turning starfield, etc.
Various dis/appear effects
Japanimation / manga style gfx.
Kinda lame / lazy demo though 8S ^^
Own production.

Code & Gfx : Hylst
Music : Mad Max

Video recorded with Hatari emulator (STe) and upscaled to nearest neighbor with ffmpeg.
Should run on ATARI STf 520.