Edit history for Prehistoric Intro Compilation #01 by The Blues Boys

2024-12-28 13:51:53 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for Prehistoric Intro Compilation #01
2020-11-09 18:43:28 ltk_tscc Set title to 'Prehistoric Intro Compilation #01'
2014-11-19 16:15:04 ltk_tscc Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25011
2014-08-01 21:12:03 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 21:10:24 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 21:09:59 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 21:08:48 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 21:03:22 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 20:57:39 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 20:42:53 ltk_tscc Updated Acid's credit on Prehistoric intro compilation #01: Code, Graphics
2014-08-01 20:42:48 ltk_tscc Added credit for Mad Max on Prehistoric intro compilation #01: Music
2014-08-01 20:42:39 ltk_tscc Added credit for Mayday on Prehistoric intro compilation #01: Code
2014-08-01 20:42:31 ltk_tscc Added credit for Acid on Prehistoric intro compilation #01: Code
2014-08-01 20:42:16 ltk_tscc Edited pack contents of Prehistoric intro compilation #01
2014-08-01 20:35:06 ltk_tscc Added screenshot
2013-06-23 11:44:20 ltk_tscc Added production 'Prehistoric intro compilation #01'