Edit history for Delicious Disk 049 Intro by The Syndicate

2025-02-09 11:33:27 mr.sam Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9C34NCY8ZI
2020-10-31 15:42:46 ltk_tscc Set title to 'Delicious Disk 049 Intro'
2014-03-18 12:45:09 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for Delicious Disk 049 intro
2014-03-18 12:44:54 ltk_tscc Added credit for Frazer on Delicious Disk 049 intro: Music
2013-10-24 20:29:31 ltk_tscc Added screenshot
2013-10-24 20:29:23 ltk_tscc Added production 'Delicious Disk 049 intro'