It's Magic is a 1997/1998 game for the c64, created by Stardust Productions and released by Protovision. Music for the game was written by Heinmück. Since several previews were released in january of 1998, it is believed the game itself also did not come out until 1998 despite carrying a 1997 copyright. More information on C64 Wiki.
Order by: Release date | Title | Date added
Alpha Flight | Jul 1998 | |
Onslaught | Mar 1998 | |
Success & The Ruling Company | Mar 1998 | |
Laxity | Mar 1998 | |
Angels | Mar 1998 | |
Alpha Flight 1970 | Mar 1998 | |
Laxity | Jan 1998 | |
Hitmen | Jan 1998 | |
Alpha Flight | Jan 1998 | |
Excess | Jan 1998 |