Ocean Software released three distinct Jurassic Park games optimized for different platforms, while Sega released four distinct versions of Jurassic Park for five different platforms. Ocean released versions for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Gameboy, Super Nintendo, DOS and Amiga. Sega published versions for the Sega Genesis, Game Gear, Master System and Sega CD (in 1994). More information on Wikipedia.
Order by: Release date | Title | Date added
Passwords | May 1995 | |
Tristar and Red Sector Inc. | Mar 1994 | |
Paradox | Dec 1993 | |
Fairlight | Nov 1993 | |
Tristar and Red Sector Inc. | Oct 1993 | |
Tristar and Red Sector Inc. | Oct 1993 | |
Tristar and Red Sector Inc. | Oct 1993 | |
Magical |