Edit history for Dr. Rooth

2025-01-20 23:50:26 ipggi Edited nick 'Dr. Rooth': changed aliases to 'Rooth'
2025-01-20 23:48:26 ipggi Updated Dr. Rooth's membership of Artists In Revolt: set as ex-member
2025-01-20 23:46:45 ipggi Added Dr. Rooth as a member of New Order
2022-05-11 22:21:37 ipggi Edited notes
2022-05-11 22:21:05 ipggi Added Dr. Rooth as a member of Artists In Revolt
2021-03-01 04:44:15 menace Edited notes
2021-03-01 04:44:06 menace Added Dr. Rooth as staff member of Internal Affairs (310)
2020-03-04 03:31:36 menace Edited notes
2020-03-04 03:31:21 menace Edited notes
2019-11-02 07:26:43 menace Edited notes
2019-11-02 07:26:04 menace Set location to Los Angeles County, California, United States
2019-11-02 07:25:45 menace Added scener 'Dr. Rooth'