Edit history for 911 / G'Style ^ Movement

2025-02-15 19:54:46 menace Added credit for 911 on Jolly Roger 5: Text
2025-01-31 23:48:28 dipswitch Added credit for 911 on Acid Bites: Graphics (ASCII [Guest])
2024-11-03 16:45:24 menace Deleted 911's credit on mark anal-seduction
2024-04-19 14:31:01 menace Updated 911's membership of The Silents: set as ex-member
2024-04-18 04:21:54 psenough Added credit for 911 on Total Confusion: Music
2024-04-18 04:20:21 psenough Added 911 as a member of Mekanix
2023-11-29 09:14:28 menace Added credit for 911 on Noisecompaction V2.2: Other (pack editor)
2023-08-20 10:41:01 menace Added credit for 911 on Chip'o'Matic 2: Music
2023-07-26 09:41:53 menace Updated 911's credit on 1000% Funk: Graphics (main ascii)
2022-07-06 02:10:55 dipswitch Added link https://defacto2.net/p/911
2021-12-28 21:50:01 menace Added credit for 911 on Scene Lyrics 2: Text
2021-10-31 01:58:06 dipswitch Added credit for 911 on 2000% Funk: Graphics (ASCII (Main))
2021-10-31 01:55:15 dipswitch Added 911 as staff member of Melancholic Thoughts
2021-10-31 01:54:35 dipswitch Added credit for 911 on 1000% Funk: Graphics (ASCII (Main))
2021-10-31 01:48:58 dipswitch Added credit for 911 on Meep: Graphics (ASCII (Guest))
2021-08-05 05:05:30 menace Updated 911's membership of Grace: set as ex-member
2020-05-23 06:31:50 menace Added credit for 911 on Propaganda 4: Text
2018-11-13 15:57:08 100bit Added credit for 911 on Fisk Sier Ost: Music
2018-11-01 18:04:53 100bit Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=18154
2018-11-01 18:04:43 100bit Added credit for 911 on Horror Pack 05: Music
2018-02-20 20:17:08 menace Updated 911's credit on R.A.W 4: Text (independent journalist)
2017-03-15 10:14:33 dipswitch Added credit for 911 on R.A.W 4: Text
2016-11-03 19:07:13 Ramonb5 Updated 911's credit on Black and White: Text
2016-11-03 19:06:42 Ramonb5 Added credit for 911 on Black and White: Music
2014-06-15 12:10:51 menace Edited notes
2014-06-05 06:05:25 menace Added credit for 911 on Numb: Music
2013-11-02 10:03:15 menace Edited notes
2013-05-07 15:24:58 SoLO Added credit for 911 on Butterfly: Music
2013-04-18 00:59:17 dipswitch Updated 911's membership of Advance: set as ex-member
2013-04-18 00:53:09 dipswitch Added 911 as a member of Advance
2013-04-18 00:48:29 dipswitch Added link http://www.discogs.com/artist/Martyn
2013-04-18 00:44:15 dipswitch Added link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyn_%28musician%29
2013-04-18 00:44:10 dipswitch Added nick 'Martyn'
2013-02-24 13:29:31 menace Updated visibility of real name
2012-08-28 20:55:01 zefyros Added credit for 911 on Euphoria: Graphics (Guest ASCII)