Edit history for Raist / Bvt ^ LowFuel ^ Marshals

2024-12-17 00:56:56 phoenix Added credit for Raist on yachg: Graphics, Other (design, shaders)
2024-06-13 15:51:23 Brittle Added credit for Raist on Neperliva (Spleen 2): Graphics (modeling)
2023-04-21 07:10:33 menace Updated Raist's credit on Dzihad: Graphics, Music
2023-04-21 07:09:58 menace Added credit for Raist on Dzihad: Music
2023-03-24 10:57:00 Unlock Updated Raist's credit on Unofficial Buenzli#15 Invitation: Graphics (Design, GFX)
2023-03-24 10:56:49 Unlock Added credit for Raist on Unofficial Buenzli#15 Invitation: Graphics (Design), Graphics (GFX)
2023-03-24 09:27:38 Unlock Added credit for Raist on Bulletproof: Graphics
2022-09-08 23:14:24 exocet Added credit for Raist on Amelie: Graphics
2022-09-06 21:20:44 phoenix Added credit for Raist on Demopunk: Other (design, script, demopaja, 3d)
2021-04-30 17:03:20 crs_broncs Updated Raist's credit on TV Man: Other (testing)
2021-04-19 21:53:39 exocet Updated Raist's credit on TV Man: Other (unknown)
2021-04-19 21:53:12 exocet Added credit for Raist on TV Man: Other
2020-09-26 06:26:13 FlashyLamer Added credit for Raist on Pahorek: Graphics (Visuals)
2019-08-12 23:08:56 Brittle Added credit for Raist on Grudge: Graphics
2019-07-05 13:56:39 exocet Added credit for Raist on Lamerz: Graphics
2019-07-05 13:54:08 exocet Added credit for Raist on No Time To Lose: Graphics, Music
2019-07-05 13:32:10 exocet Added credit for Raist on HoneyBlaster: Code, Graphics
2019-06-30 16:29:06 Brittle Set real name
2019-02-05 06:30:48 menace Added credit for Raist on crutokk: Graphics (design)
2018-11-24 05:17:03 Brittle Added link https://twitter.com/raist
2018-08-15 16:12:33 exocet Added credit for Raist on Passenger 1337: Graphics
2018-07-30 15:34:52 Brittle Set location to Okres Mělník, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic
2018-07-30 15:34:43 Brittle Added link https://www.raist.cz/
2018-07-29 05:24:16 menace Updated Raist's credit on PF05.czech_gingerbread: Graphics (design, effects, animation, 3d)
2018-07-29 05:23:20 menace Added credit for Raist on PF05.czech_gingerbread: Code (effects), Graphics (design, animation, 3d)
2018-06-06 19:21:45 menace Added credit for Raist on Meteor: Code, Graphics (design, animation, 3d)
2018-02-05 19:00:02 ltk_tscc Added credit for Raist on Nitro Intra: Graphics
2017-06-29 14:00:37 exocet Added credit for Raist on Superacidity: Graphics
2016-11-09 21:53:37 menace Updated Raist's credit on Genetic: Graphics, Music, Other (scripting)
2016-11-09 21:53:31 menace Added credit for Raist on Genetic: Graphics, Music, Other (scriptin)
2016-08-20 11:33:52 menace Added link http://amp.dascene.net/detail.php?view=10950
2016-08-20 11:32:08 menace Added nick 'Wizard Raist'
2016-07-30 07:44:15 tomaes Added credit for Raist on i want to be a cracker: Graphics
2016-05-21 06:28:38 menace Added credit for Raist on Marast 05 Invitation: Graphics (composition, 3d, animation)
2015-11-21 16:58:45 exocet Added credit for Raist on Oranges Comes: Graphics
2014-01-21 19:11:00 tomaes Added credit for Raist on In the middle of the monster: Graphics (visuals)
2014-01-21 19:07:04 tomaes Added credit for Raist on Kubik: Graphics (3d)
2013-01-19 17:28:46 menace Added Raist as a member of Bvt
2013-01-05 14:49:34 Saga_Musix Updated Raist's credit on Welcome to 4sceners.de: Code (Additional code), Other (Design), Graphics
2013-01-05 14:49:06 Saga_Musix Added credit for Raist on Welcome to 4sceners.de: Graphics, Other (Design)
2012-06-11 01:34:43 dipswitch Added link http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=395
2012-06-11 01:33:01 dipswitch Added Raist as a member of LowFuel
2012-06-11 01:30:29 dipswitch Added Raist as a member of Marshals