Edit history for Axatax

2025-02-01 01:37:10 ipggi Added credit for Axatax on SPC Loader: Other (Packer)
2025-02-01 01:36:39 ipggi Added Axatax as a member of Software Pirating Coalition
2025-02-01 01:36:30 ipggi Edited notes
2021-10-24 22:05:53 100bit Edited nick 'Axatax': changed aliases to 'Äxatax'
2021-10-24 22:05:47 100bit Set location to Dallas County, Texas, United States
2021-10-24 22:05:42 100bit Updated Axatax as staff member of Beyond Thunderdome: set as ex-staff
2021-10-24 22:05:37 100bit Added Axatax as staff member of Beyond Thunderdome