

Location: Iran

Iranian PC cracker.

Autobiography from a web archive snapshot of the ICA website: "When I was 13 Years old , AtarY 2600 was the most famous ElectroniC game in the World . I have decided to Buy One of them , but I found its price has a few diffrence with Spectrum ZX-48 . So I have choosed ZX instead Atary .... I have Learnt BasiC on my Spectrum, Next year I tried C64 and then i jumped to learn 6510 Assembly language on Commodore . I can remember my first asm program copied 4Kb of memory to C64 Video RaM ;) . That Was a Great victory for me. For a Couple of Years I was Working on my C64 and a C128 which were available somewhere . Then I have bought an AmigA 500 , I think that was my First Wife ;) , I didnt Learn 68000 Assembly to program, I have learnt just its basics . Addressing , CPU type , Prephirals and Else . Not Programming. I worked on AmigA Design Packeges like Real 3D - Imagine - Video Scape and Specially Electronic Art's Dpaint.In 1993 I got my First 80X86 Based System Then I learnt more about programming. Pascal , C , Assembly , Prolog and so on , I think learning will never End . I had a Big Fault in my Programming life . I have Sold my AmigA to get an Epson Printer . Year 1995 Was the first time that I saw CrackMaster . He Was a PowerFull Coder in 1991, And Now he is so . Now in 2000 I have written CCICA, CCUICA, SCICA, DDUICA and SPUICA. I think Every Thing in the real world looks like an ElctroniC game , And life is the worst game here. ;) I am playing the games yet and trying to cheat them. I like EA Sports FIFA(s) , BBS , Programming , Virus , Encryption , Reversing , Coding , Helping and Death."

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Last edited on 30 Jul 2022 by dipswitch. See all edits