Edit history for Fat Pacifist / gen ^ Quad ^ Sadist ^ Woorlic

2025-01-28 14:14:36 menace Updated Fat Pacifist's membership of Poffelipoff: set as ex-member
2024-12-09 10:56:00 dipswitch Updated Fat Pacifist's credit on Flux Artpack #1: Graphics (ANSI [Guest])
2024-12-09 10:50:48 dipswitch Added credit for Fat Pacifist on Flux Artpack #1: Graphics (ANSI)
2024-09-03 10:56:48 dipswitch Added link https://16colo.rs/artist/fat%20pacifist
2024-09-03 10:38:55 dipswitch Added credit for Fat Pacifist on Poffelipoff Artpack 10/97: Graphics (RIP)
2024-09-03 10:20:36 dipswitch Added Fat Pacifist as a member of Poffelipoff
2021-10-25 00:50:39 dipswitch Added Fat Pacifist as a member of Used
2019-11-30 19:53:02 Brittle Updated Fat Pacifist's credit on 187: Graphics
2019-11-30 19:52:40 Brittle Edited nick 'Fat Pacifist': changed aliases to 'Fat'
2019-11-26 06:46:49 menace Added credit for Fat Pacifist on Dreamless: Graphics
2019-11-26 06:42:34 menace Added credit for Fat Pacifist on Homeless: Graphics
2014-01-13 21:42:05 Sephiroth Added Fat Pacifist as a member of Sadist
2014-01-11 22:23:51 se7en Added credit for Fat Pacifist on Fire #33: The Final Combustion: Graphics (RIP)
2014-01-11 00:57:34 dipswitch Added Fat Pacifist as a member of Quad
2012-09-18 14:01:28 zefyros Added Fat Pacifist as a member of Genuine