Edit history for VindicatioN / Adrenalin Staff

2025-01-18 08:14:19 ipggi Added VindicatioN as a member of Valiant
2024-06-19 05:30:32 menace Updated VindicatioN's credit on The Acquisition (03/1993): Graphics (ansi animation)
2024-06-19 05:25:59 menace Added credit for VindicatioN on The Acquisition (03/1993): Graphics (ansi)
2024-04-29 12:34:12 vitalkanev Added credit for VindicatioN on The Acquisition (05/1993): Graphics
2022-12-27 12:14:25 ipggi Added VindicatioN as staff member of The Final Zone
2022-12-27 12:14:07 ipggi Set location to Anaheim, Orange County, California, United States
2022-12-27 12:13:41 ipggi Edited notes
2019-10-26 09:43:34 sensenstahl Added credit for VindicatioN on Fairlight Logo: Graphics
2019-03-24 10:15:02 sensenstahl Added credit for VindicatioN on Arrested Development BBS (6): Graphics (ANSI)
2016-08-04 05:39:50 sensenstahl Added credit for VindicatioN on Pirates With Attitudes: Graphics
2014-05-13 14:49:11 dipswitch Added link http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=4817
2014-01-21 02:11:06 dipswitch Added credit for VindicatioN on Adrenalin 1: Graphics
2014-01-21 02:03:28 dipswitch Added VindicatioN as a member of Adrenalin Staff
2014-01-09 21:35:56 radman Set location to United States