Edit history for Barti / NoooN

2025-01-01 18:29:23 menace Added credit for Plop on Eustache: Code
2024-10-17 10:10:39 dipswitch Added credit for Barti on Imphobia 9: Text (Interviewed)
2024-05-27 05:40:17 menace Edited notes
2024-05-27 05:40:12 menace Edited notes
2024-05-27 05:39:50 menace Added link https://files.scene.org/browse/demos/artists/barti/
2024-01-03 12:12:33 ltk_tscc Edited nick 'L.C.F.': changed name to 'L.C.F.'
2023-06-11 01:59:42 dipswitch Set real name
2023-06-11 01:59:24 dipswitch Added credit for Barti on Scenial 4: Text (Interviewed)
2019-11-17 09:12:02 menace Edited notes
2019-10-20 06:22:31 menace Set location to Albi, Département du Tarn, Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, France
2019-07-12 01:09:57 FlashyLamer Added nick 'Plop'
2018-08-11 13:42:47 Gargaj Added links: https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=32037, https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=38434, https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=36980, https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=33672
2018-08-11 13:35:07 Gargaj Added links: https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=19462, https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=98276, https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=23356, https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=40272
2017-07-08 17:25:25 exocet Added credit for Barti on UFO Project: Code, Music
2014-05-18 15:31:15 tomaes Updated Barti's credit on Stars: Wonders of the World: Code (3d, visuals)
2014-01-25 14:57:14 tomaes Deleted Laurent's credit on Judo Atemi
2014-01-03 20:33:08 RufUsul Added credit for Barti on Chevrolet: Code
2014-01-03 20:18:20 RufUsul Added credit for L.C.F on Ibliss: Code
2014-01-03 19:06:10 Saga_Musix Updated Laurent's credit on Judo Atemi: Code
2014-01-03 19:05:41 Saga_Musix Added nick 'L.C.F'
2014-01-03 19:05:33 Saga_Musix Added nick 'Laurent'
2014-01-03 17:46:15 RufUsul Added credit for Bartoshe on White Moon: Code
2013-12-28 09:55:29 menace Updated visibility of real name
2013-11-04 23:42:13 dipswitch Added link http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=71955
2013-11-04 23:41:35 dipswitch Added nick 'Bartoshe'