Edit history for Dizy / EXC ^ Hotdog Productions ^ Selfesteem ^ VDK

2025-02-01 10:56:59 Brittle Added nick 'Ace'
2025-02-01 10:56:55 Brittle Added nick 'Purple Teddy'
2025-02-01 10:50:16 Brittle Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=62673
2025-02-01 10:49:53 Brittle Updated Dizy's credit on Brakke 2: Code (as Klide), Music
2025-02-01 10:49:30 Brittle Updated Klide's credit on Mini-Intro: Code, Graphics, Music
2025-02-01 10:48:53 Brittle Updated Klide's credit on The Walrus 2: Code, Graphics, Music
2025-02-01 10:48:37 Brittle Updated Klide's credit on The Walrus 2 Extended: Code, Graphics, Music
2025-02-01 10:47:08 Brittle Updated Dizy's credit on Disgrace-Tro: Music, Code, Graphics (as Klide)
2025-02-01 10:46:25 Brittle Updated Klide's credit on The Walrus: Code, Music
2025-02-01 10:43:34 Brittle Added nick 'NSP'
2025-02-01 10:43:31 Brittle Added nick 'Bizy'
2025-02-01 10:43:24 Brittle Added nick 'Klide'
2022-12-25 06:13:14 menace Added credit for Dizy on Bloodsuckers: Graphics (guest artist)
2022-09-07 09:59:19 menace Edited notes
2021-10-08 07:04:45 menace Added Dizy as staff member of NoFX
2021-09-28 02:42:27 dipswitch Added Dizy as staff member of Battlefield
2021-04-10 13:14:07 dipswitch Added Dizy as staff member of Digital Conspiracy
2021-03-09 19:48:43 dipswitch Added credit for Dizy on DZY-UserMSG V1.1: Code
2020-12-26 06:55:09 menace Edited notes
2020-12-26 06:53:09 menace Updated Dizy's credit on Lightmag 1: Text, Graphics (ascii), Music
2020-12-26 06:53:04 menace Updated Dizy's credit on Lightmag 1: Text, Graphics, Music
2020-12-26 06:49:49 menace Deleted Dizy's credit on duracell-lasts
2020-12-26 06:49:25 menace Added credit for Dizy on Lightmag 1: Text, Music
2020-12-26 06:49:11 menace Added Dizy as a member of Vodka
2020-10-02 06:57:24 menace Added credit for Dizy on iNFO V1.0: Code
2020-07-18 12:44:06 menace Added Dizy as a member of Excalibur
2019-08-07 23:00:10 curtcool Updated Dizy's membership of Depth: changed group to Depth, set as ex-member
2019-08-07 23:00:06 curtcool Updated Dizy's membership of Depth: changed group to Depth
2019-01-30 04:57:59 menace Added nick 'Cody'
2019-01-30 04:57:48 menace Edited notes
2019-01-30 04:57:45 menace Updated Dizy's membership of Iris: changed group to Iris, set as ex-member
2019-01-30 04:57:41 menace Added Dizy as a member of Iris
2013-05-17 22:24:39 raizor Added credit for Dizy on Grimme Skindpels: Music
2013-05-17 22:18:30 raizor Added credit for Dizy on Gif: Code
2013-05-17 22:15:19 raizor Added credit for Dizy on DAS: Code
2013-05-17 22:11:27 raizor Set location to Denmark
2013-05-17 22:06:18 raizor Added Dizy as a member of Subcult
2013-04-26 05:57:30 menace Updated Dizy's membership of Hotdog Productions: changed group to Hotdog Productions
2013-04-26 05:50:18 menace Added Dizy as a member of Hotdog Productions
2013-04-26 05:50:13 menace Edited nick 'Dizy': changed name to 'Dizy'