Edit history for Bedrael / Elemental Forces ^ Ethereal ^ GV ^ Psyko

2024-12-03 11:19:22 dipswitch Added Bedrael as a member of Good Vibes
2018-04-19 07:56:05 Bedrael Set location to Fontenay-sous-Bois, Département du Val-de-Marne, Île-de-France, France
2017-03-14 13:54:53 exocet Added credit for Bedrael on Stormbringer: Music
2017-01-26 21:23:53 exocet Added Bedrael as a member of Elemental Forces
2017-01-26 21:21:41 exocet Set location to Pougues-les-Eaux, Département de la Nièvre, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
2017-01-26 21:21:30 exocet Set real name
2016-06-02 08:52:44 exocet Set location to France
2016-04-04 23:43:19 exocet Added credit for Bedrael on Kabon: Music
2013-01-25 06:20:48 menace Added Bedrael as a member of Ethereal