Edit history for Dr. Claw / THEMM

2024-06-18 07:26:52 menace Updated Dr. Claw as organiser of @Party 2024: changed role to lead, compo, technical director
2024-06-18 07:26:28 menace Updated Dr. Claw as organiser of @Party 2024: changed role to lead organizer, compo organizer, technical directo
2024-06-18 07:25:27 menace Added Dr. Claw as organiser of @Party 2024
2023-02-10 21:26:51 ipggi Added Dr. Claw as staff member of The Drop Site
2021-01-11 10:43:55 menace Updated Dr. Claw as organiser of @Party 2020: changed role to main, compo, technical
2021-01-11 10:42:20 menace Added Dr. Claw as organiser of @Party 2020
2012-08-13 15:05:25 T-101 Set location to United States
2012-08-13 15:05:20 T-101 Set real name
2012-08-13 15:03:55 T-101 Added Dr. Claw as a member of THEMM