Edit history for Alias / Digital Murder

2019-10-09 04:58:35 menace Added nick 'Kris'
2019-10-09 04:40:29 menace Added link https://files.scene.org/browse/graphics/artists/alias/
2017-05-05 08:13:48 exocet Added credit for Alias on Tiny: Graphics
2017-02-13 13:36:06 menace Added credit for Alias on Just a Touch of Funk: Graphics (3d animations/modelling, texturing, design)
2017-01-05 09:41:54 ltk_tscc Set real name
2017-01-05 09:39:26 ltk_tscc Updated link https://web.archive.org/web/20010301000000*/http://alias.digital-murder.org/
2016-03-26 14:07:06 exocet Set location to France
2015-12-23 05:42:24 menace Added links: http://artcity.bitfellas.org/index.php?a=artist&id=60, http://alias.digital-murder.org/
2015-11-21 21:35:46 exocet Added credit for Alias on LTP3 Report: Graphics
2015-03-19 15:34:39 tomaes Added credit for Alias on Jumpy: Graphics (2d, 3d)
2012-10-25 20:37:15 menace Added credit for Alias on Synaps 012: Graphics (guest pic)
2012-09-15 16:42:28 menace Added Alias as a member of Digital Murder