Edit history for Pestilence

2025-01-28 14:16:22 menace Updated Pestilence's membership of Poffelipoff: set as ex-member
2024-09-03 11:00:58 dipswitch Added link https://16colo.rs/artist/plc
2024-09-03 10:41:30 dipswitch Added credit for plc on Poffelipoff Artpack 10/97: Graphics (ANSI)
2023-05-22 20:33:30 menace Updated plc's credit on Art Pack 1: Graphics (ansi)
2023-05-22 20:33:16 menace Added credit for plc on Art Pack 1: Graphics (ansi)
2023-05-20 20:47:38 menace Set location to Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
2023-05-20 20:45:17 menace Edited nick 'Pestilence': changed aliases to ''
2023-05-20 20:45:12 menace Added nick 'plc'
2023-05-20 20:44:42 menace Edited nick 'Pestilence': changed aliases to 'plc'
2023-05-20 20:44:30 menace Edited notes
2023-05-20 20:43:13 menace Added Pestilence as staff member of Phare Side
2023-05-20 20:37:54 menace Updated Pestilence's membership of 303 Productions: set as ex-member
2020-09-16 01:52:23 dipswitch Edited notes
2020-09-16 01:43:03 dipswitch Set location to Sweden
2020-09-16 01:42:49 dipswitch Added Pestilence as a member of 303 Productions
2012-10-14 07:41:34 menace Added Pestilence as a member of Poffelipoff
2012-10-14 07:41:29 menace Edited nick 'Pestilence': changed name to 'Pestilence'