Edit history for Orlando

2025-02-20 06:10:27 menace Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 5: Other (editor), Text
2024-03-08 12:55:02 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 50: Code, Text, Other
2024-03-08 12:52:48 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 49: Code, Text, Other
2024-03-08 12:41:40 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 48: Code, Text, Other
2024-03-08 12:34:46 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 44: Code, Text, Other
2024-03-08 12:32:03 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 43: Code
2024-03-08 12:26:42 psenough Updated Orlando's credit on Tutti Frutti 40: Code, Text, Other
2024-03-08 12:26:36 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 40: Code, Text
2024-03-08 12:11:58 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 29: Code, Text, Other
2024-03-08 12:03:12 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 28: Code
2024-03-08 12:00:23 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 27: Code, Other
2024-03-08 01:18:14 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 26: Code, Other
2024-03-07 11:22:30 psenough Updated Orlando's credit on Tutti Frutti 19: Code, Other
2024-03-07 11:22:22 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 19: Code, Text
2024-03-07 11:10:59 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 18: Code
2024-02-22 06:10:11 menace Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti #30: Code
2024-02-22 06:03:17 menace Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti #38: Code
2024-02-20 10:00:38 psenough Added credit for Orlando on Zine 6: Text
2024-02-05 19:45:47 menace Added credit for Orlando on Primus Trackmo: Code
2023-09-02 07:35:17 menace Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 9 Headlines Intro: Code, Text
2023-01-12 09:05:24 100bit Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 7: Code (intro), Text (main editor), Graphics
2023-01-11 21:46:16 100bit Added credit for Orlando on Zine 11: Text
2023-01-11 21:36:44 100bit Added credit for Orlando on Zine 8: Text
2022-12-23 07:07:55 menace Added Orlando as a member of Newings
2022-04-22 06:12:39 menace Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 12: Code
2021-04-01 19:58:44 menace Added credit for Orlando on Tutti Frutti 11: Code
2021-01-17 22:26:17 menace Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 9: Text (forum column), Other (main editor)
2021-01-17 22:25:09 menace Added credit for Orlando on Zine 9: Other (main editor), Text
2017-03-15 10:17:04 dipswitch Added credit for Orlando on R.A.W 4: Text (Interviewed)
2016-03-19 09:40:52 SoLO Added credit for Orlando on Sounddisk 2 - The Best of Grubi: Code
2016-03-07 06:00:34 menace Added credit for Orlando on Zine 9 Headlines: Code, Graphics (design)
2015-01-21 05:50:05 menace Updated Orlando's credit on Primus: Code, Graphics, Other (foot idea)
2015-01-21 05:49:35 menace Updated Orlando's credit on Primus: Code, Graphics
2015-01-21 05:48:28 menace Added credit for Orlando on Primus: Code
2015-01-21 05:44:35 menace Added credit for Orlando on Primus Intro: Code
2014-07-06 11:51:01 menace Added credit for Orlando on Metamorphosis: Text
2014-07-03 14:27:55 menace Added credit for Orlando on Zine 7: Code (intro), Other (main editor)
2014-07-03 14:22:47 menace Added credit for Orlando on Zine 8 Headlines: Code
2014-07-03 10:06:20 menace Added credit for Orlando on ZIne 11 Headlines: Code
2014-02-12 00:22:46 dipswitch Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 4: Other (Editor, Articles)
2014-02-12 00:13:14 dipswitch Added credit for Orlando on Zine 4: Other (Editor)
2014-02-11 00:13:33 dipswitch Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 3: Other (Articles, Interviewer)
2014-02-10 23:35:58 dipswitch Added credit for Orlando on Zine 3: Other (Interviewer)
2014-02-10 01:53:10 dipswitch Added credit for Orlando on Zine 2: Other (Interviewer)
2014-02-08 03:02:51 dipswitch Set location to Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-City, Switzerland
2014-02-08 02:48:53 dipswitch Added credit for Orlando on Zine 1: Other (Articles)
2012-12-27 18:17:12 menace Added credit for Orlando on Musicdisk 3: Code
2012-12-20 10:15:04 menace Set location to Switzerland
2012-12-20 09:42:30 menace Added Orlando as a member of Brainstorm
2012-12-20 09:42:25 menace Set real name
2012-12-20 09:41:53 menace Added credit for Orlando on Zine 5: Other (editor)