Edit history for Secundus

2025-02-16 12:54:13 menace Added credit for Secundus on Saviour - The Laziest In Business: Text
2016-06-22 01:42:41 dipswitch Added link http://noname.c64.org/csdb/scener/?id=3982
2016-06-22 01:42:38 dipswitch Set location to Finland
2015-07-08 07:19:24 menace Edited notes
2015-07-08 07:18:40 menace Updated Secundus's membership of PU-239: changed group to PU-239, set as ex-member
2015-07-08 07:18:35 menace Added Secundus as a member of PU-239
2015-07-08 07:18:28 menace Added credit for Secundus on Pacman-Demo: Code, Music