Edit history for Deetail / Zenon

2025-01-24 06:59:29 menace Added Deetail as a member of Cyan
2023-01-24 12:00:17 Brittle Added Deetail as a member of Exile
2023-01-22 09:44:58 menace Updated Deetail's membership of Bronx: set as ex-member
2022-10-22 23:16:12 exocet Added credit for Gore on Mental Disaster: Music
2021-03-01 20:40:16 ericorsio Added nick 'Justin Case'
2018-06-20 20:39:31 Brittle Deleted link https://www.discogs.com/user/DeaconX
2018-06-20 20:39:13 Brittle Added links: https://soundcloud.com/tonikoo/, https://www.youtube.com/user/ToniKoo, https://www.facebook.com/DeejiiTony, https://www.discogs.com/user/DeaconX
2018-05-27 22:07:31 Brittle Set location to Seinäjoki, Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland
2018-05-27 22:07:21 Brittle Added link https://twitter.com/ToniKoo
2018-05-27 22:06:07 Brittle Updated Gore's credit on Crazy Chippie Compile: Music
2018-05-27 22:04:06 Brittle Added Deetail as a member of Brutal
2018-05-27 22:03:47 Brittle Added Deetail as a member of Extend
2018-05-27 22:03:32 Brittle Added Deetail as a member of Bronx
2018-05-27 22:02:23 Brittle Added Deetail as a member of Zenon
2018-05-27 22:01:16 Brittle Added nick 'Gore'
2017-08-07 22:31:17 exocet Added credit for Deetail on Where Are We Going: Graphics (additional)
2015-10-27 05:58:46 menace Set location to Finland
2015-10-27 05:58:44 menace Set real name
2015-10-27 05:58:08 menace Added link http://amp.dascene.net/detail.php?view=1744